Material: watercolor and pen

Progress: I used 3d auxiliary as reference, and lined it with pencil, and painted with watercolor, finally, I used pen to make contour line.

Idea: I want to express a sense of light of hope in this piece by using strong contrast with only two main colors which are complementary and a strong perspective.


  1. Excellent job! You posted your reference photo too, so thank you. You are the only one who did and on time. That helps your grade each deadline very much.
    I am wondering about the sense of light of hope? is it hope of being found? If so, that would work with your narrative. Remember every piece has to relate back to your question somehow to score well with the College Board. This is a strong piece. I love the drama with strong lights/darks and the forced perspective. It really draws the viewer in. The design with the v leading us to her head is very strong. I wonder if a dark background added digitally would help the sense of light and sort of take our eye away from the geometric items underneath her. Our eyes are always drawn to sharp geometric edges so that (or a dark value) would help push that back. Really nice job Nichole :)


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