Material: Procreate
Idea: How can I portray the history of a parallel civilization under overdeveloped technology without practicing human morality? How can an astronaut be a spectator of this chaotic history from another chaotic parallel world? 
Space suits have always had a unique charm for me. They are the symbolization of both the future and darkness. They are the exact embodiment of science and technology on human bodies. They are the infants with uncut umbilical cords born into this boundless universe. They look clumsy and heavy, with a lot of messy fabric folds, yet also have so much precise mechanical structure. Oddly enough, I can see so much solemnness, mystery and uncanniness on space suits, which is why I think they are the perfect choice as a vehicle to guide people through this story.
Process: I started with narrowing down my topic, then laid out the mind map. The two inspiration artists I picked were ERR03 and Water_Star, both are art students who had just graduated from college and therefore not well-known. Other inspiration were:

Tatsuki Fujimoto, Chainsaw Man
Stanley Kubrick, 2001: A Space Odyssey


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